Article Requests

The following GET requests allow articles and their relationships to be queried.


Returns the metadata for a article matching: article_id.

URL Parameters
Parameter Description
q The query object that defines the filtering that should be applied when returning article metadata

  "article_id": 88345, 
  "article_link": "", 
  "author": "Matt Espineli", 
  "cover": "", 
  "developers": [...], 
  "games": [...], 
  "introduction": "While 2017 was packed with an assortment of amazing games, 2018 is primed with its own roster of exciting games, including heavy hitters like Red Dead Redemption 2, Anthem, God of War, Kingdom Hearts III, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and much more. To help you keep", 
  "outlet": "", 
  "timestamp": "2018-01-24T18:46:00", 
  "title": "Every Game Release Date In 2018: Monster Hunter World, Dragon Ball FighterZ, And More"
GET Result
Key Type Description
article_id Integer The article's unique ID
title String The article's full name
outlet String The article's publishing outlet
author String The article's author
timestamp DateTime The article's publishing timestamp
article_link URL String The article's URL
introduction String The article's first few sentences
image URL String The article's image URL
games Game List A list of related games
developers Developer List A list of related developers


Return a list of articles.

URL Parameters
Parameter Description
q The query object that defines the searching, sorting, and filtering that should be applied when listing article metadata
page[number] The page number
page[size] The number of elements on a page

  "num_results": 25915, 
  "objects": [...],
  "page": 1, 
  "total_pages": 2592
GET Result
Key Description
num_results The total number of articles matching the query
objects The requested articles
page The current page
total_pages The total number of pages in the result set

results matching ""

    No results matching ""