Video Requests

The following GET requests allow videos and their relationships to be queried.


Returns the metadata for a video matching: video_id.

URL Parameters
Parameter Description
q The query object that defines the filtering that should be applied when returning video metadata

  "video_id": 75839,
  "video_link": "", 
  "name": "Let's play: Cool Game", 
  "thumbnail": "", 
  "developers": [...], 
  "games": [...], 
  "description": "In this video, I play Cool Game for 96 hours straight", 
  "channel": "Game Reviews", 
  "timestamp": "2018-01-24T18:46:00", 
GET Result
Key Type Description
video_id Integer The video's unique ID
name String The video's full name
channel String The video's publishing channel
description String The video's description
timestamp DateTime The video's publishing timestamp
video_link URL String The video's URL
thumbnail URL String The video's image URL
games Game List A list of related games
developers Developer List A list of related developers

results matching ""

    No results matching ""