Game Requests

The following GET requests allow games and their relationships to be queried.


Returns the metadata for a game matching: {{game_id}}.

URL Parameters
Parameter Description
q The query object that defines the filtering that should be applied when returning game metadata

  "articles": [...], 
  "background": "", 
  "cover": "", 
  "developers": [...], 
  "game_id": 123, 
  "genres": [
      "genre_id": 17, 
      "name": "Casual"
  "igdb_id": 9830, 
  "metacritic": 98, 
  "name": "Cool Game",
  "c_name": "cool game", 
  "platforms": [
      "name": "PC (Microsoft Windows)", 
      "platform_id": 6
  "price": 499,
  "release": "2009-04-15", 
  "screenshots": [
      "game_id": 123, 
      "image_id": 1037, 
      "url": ""
  "steam_id": 3600, 
  "summary": "Cool game is a ", 
  "tweets": [...], 
  "videos": [...], 
  "website": ""
  "metacritic": 32
GET Result
Key Type Description
game_id Integer The game's unique ID
steam_id Integer The game's Steam ID
igdb_id Integer The game's IGDB ID
name String The game's user-friendly name
c_name String The game's search-friendly name
price Integer The game's price
release Integer The game's release year
cover URL String The game's cover image
screenshots String Array Image URLs related to the game
summary String The game's summary or description
genres String Array The game's related genres
platforms String Array The game's compatible platforms
background URL String A background image for the game page
website URL String The game's external link
metacritic Integer The game's metacritic score
articles Article List A list of related articles
developers Developer List A list of related developers
videos Video List A list of related videos


Return a list of games.

URL Parameters
Parameter Description
q The query object that defines the searching, sorting, and filtering that should be applied when listing game metadata
page[number] The page number
page[size] The number of elements on a page

  "num_results": 63673, 
  "objects": [...], 
  "page": 5,
  "total_pages": 6368
GET Result
Key Description
num_results The total number of games matching the query
objects The requested games
page The current page
total_pages The total number of pages in the result set

results matching ""

    No results matching ""